Cannabinoid Health Care

Medical practitioners are divided into two major groups: allopathic doctors and holistic healers.
The allopathic tradition is a product of modernity, and uses laboratory approaches and isolated or synthesized alkaloids (mostly from plants) to force health by  removing and killing off any intruding microorganisms, cancers, failing organs.  It achieves this by introducing toxic levels of germ / cell killing substances into the body, cutting out, or irradiating tissues.  The notion that if a toxin is strong enough to kill invading microbes, it will also harm the body is acknowledged in the “contraindications” list of allopathic medicines.  (Medical marijuana  is issued with the warning that a side effect is euphoria, but I am getting ahead of myself).  The understanding that modern science generates can be used to heal, that much is clear.  Scientific practitioners have fallen dependent on corporate business for research money; that much is clear as well.  Since profitability depends on patent-proven  ownership of a remedy, and since natural remedies just like the body’s own healing powers are not patentable, natural medicine is usually neglected by the allophatic approach.
Holistic approaches to medicine assume that each individual is a unique combination of body, mind, ego, intellect and soul, as well as an organism of skin, flesh, bone, and blood.  Cannabis and all other medicines are prescribed to maintain positive health by preventing or curing psychological, somatic and psychosomatic diseases.  If a substance or dosage harms part of the patient while “curing” another, then prescribing it is in violation of the holistic principle.  Examples of holistic health care doctrines are ayurveda, homeopathy, Chinese medicine, and shamanism. All these medical systems employ both Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica in various forms and preparations as healers for a wide range of “dis-eases”.
“Walking on two legs” is a life philosophy born out of ancient Chinese medicine.  It means using all available systems of medical knowledge to cover all aspects of health promotion and “dis-ease” prevention.  In other words, we enjoy the luxury of choosing between allopathic and holistic medicines to cover all aspects of our illnesses.
Mila Jansen’s Pollinator Company has convincingly contributed to the proliferation of Cannabis in both great traditions of healthcare.  In recognition of the potential of Cannabis in allopathic medicine and Mila’s contributions therein, the Dutch government in 2001 started supporting Mila’s research into the extraction technologies represented by the Pollinator® & Ice-O-lator ® hash makers.  Both methods of resin (THC, CBD, etc) extraction result in very pure preparations of the cannabis plants’ healing alkaloids.  From an allopathic perspective the exclusion of non-therapeutic fibers in these high purity hash types makes dosing and results more uniform and more predictable, characteristics that make use in modern medicine possible.   Not only are the products from Ice-O-Lators® and Pollinators® useable within modern medicine, since they are extractions they still contain all the minerals, vitamins, volatile oils, essential oils, glycosides, alkaloids, bio-flavonoids, and buffers so they can still be used holistically.  “Walking on both legs”.
Holistically, the inclusion of these countless “minor” compounds is essential, since each contributes to a different aspect of all the whole physical, mental and spiritual person.  For example, ayurvedics prepare cannabis baths to soothe aching muscles or emotional stress, cannabis suppositories to stimulate hunger in the sickly, cannabis teas for dehydration victims, lozenges, syrups, ointments to heal broken skin, tinctures, and strong psychoactive hash to clear the pathways of a blocked sex chakra, blocked psyche, or over-ambitious ego.  Cannabis used in this way does not act to kill microbial intruders, but rather leaves the whole person in a better and calmer state , which allows the body to avert sickness itself.
One of the central themes in homeopathy states that the problems that chronic heavy exposure to a substance may bring about, are the same problems that can be solved by taking medicinal (homeopathic) amounts of the energy contained in that substance.  For example, whereas  excessive doses can cause constricted breathing, homeopathic doses can alleviate asthma. Heavy smoking induces memory loss and visionary experiences, just as homeopathic cannabis spells relief for sufferers of mental dementia. Dry mouth, tremors, palpitations, pneumonia, and many more conditions that can be caused by excessive cannabis use, can also be treated with homeopathic cannabis prescriptions.
Any discussion of holistic or cannabis-inclusive medicine must look at Earth as a whole, and the role of wild and farmed cannabis in healing Mama Gaya’s ecological cycles and her relationship with commerce and human population growth.  The fibers from cannabis are stronger than those from wood, which improves it’s recyclability, and durability.  It also grows more quickly than wood and even yields more fiber per acre than wood plantations. It is therefore clear that substituting cannabis fiber for wood fiber in the newspaper and toilet paper, and wall paper industries alone would save innumerable acres of forests each year.  Cannabis fibers can be processed to yield clothing, or luggage materials that are every bit as fine, yet far more wear and tear resistant than cotton.  The efficiency of Cannabis fibers (including acreage) as an industrial raw material combined with durability improvements make it possible to reduce commerce’s impact on forests and other ecosystems.  Where Cannabis grows wild it is beloved by wild animals for especially its seeds, which are among nature’s most nutritious foods.
Hempseed, contains all eight of the proteins that people need, but can’t themselves produce, and both proteins that they can only produce in insufficient amounts.  That means that people can derive all proteins they ever need from hempseed.  Hempseeds also contains all essential amino acids, substantial amounts of dietary fiber, vitamins B1,2,3,6, C and E, as well as fatty acids (Omega 3,6 and 9 amongst others) and the lowest percentage of saturated fats known in the plant kingdom.
Nutritious hempseeds contain naught THC, and can be harvested from industrial hemp strain plantations.  These same plantations’ waste leaf material can yield medicinal THC when processed through Ice-O-Lators.
Yes, Hemp is good for you; Hemp can feed you, clothe you, heal you, provide for your paper, and do all that while impacting earth’s ecosystems less than any other crop or technology known.  Hemp is a whole and complete medicine in its truest sense.