Small Ice-O-Lator® 38 Micron Bag

38 micron (1 extra bag)
Diameter: 30 cm
Crystal catching bag


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38 micron (1 extra bag)

Diameter: 30 cm
Crystal catching bag

20 l/5 gal bucket required

Part of the original water and ice bag system.

This bag makes an excellent addition to your existing Small Ice-O-Lator® set, catching the mini-crystals while still allowing most plant fragments and dust particles to pass through with the water.

Tip for quick draining:
As this screen is very fine, your water will just trickle through, especially once the bottom of the bag is covered in crystals.
To speed up the process we recommend holding the bag by the cord-seam (thumb facing up) and rhythmically shaking the bag up and down. This moves trichomes away from the mesh and forces water out.
Use gravity and inertia: Pull the bag up while the water is going down. Once you have found the rhythm, this will considerably speed up the draining.
Beware of splashes and leave a small air-intake opening at the top of the bag.